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- Improving well performance and integrity

About PTC Software

LOF Gas Lift Design
LOF Chemical Injection Design Tool
Jet Pump Design Tool

Moving from a component to a systems approach.


At PTC we strive to use the best designs, materials and manufacturing processes to deliver solutions to our clients that are reliable cost effective and improve well integrity. A thorough understanding the system in which PTCs products are going to be implemented in is also critical. As such PTC has developed their own proprietary suit of software design tools, which cater for all of the interfaces between PTC’s products and our clients systems. PTC’s design tools also facilitate the evaluation of a much wider range of data uncertainties and life cycle operating conditions than any other software on the market to date. PTC’s current suits of design tools include:



Life of Field Gas Lift Design Tool

Traditionally decisions regarding the optimum number and setting depths of valves in gas lifted wells have been made considering only a small number of operating scenarios. As a result, wells often do not perform as expected.


PTC’s unique life of field design process considers a wider range of life-cycle operating conditions and data uncertainties. It therefore provides a more robust design to ensure maximum production, and reliability over the life of the well.



Life of Field Chemical Injection Design Tool

As the chemical injection system often crosses the boundaries of the topsides, subsea and completion domains information between these interfaces is often not communicated. This can lead to sub optimal chemical injection system design.

A more rigorous well life-cycle design process is available, incorporating both Petroleum Experts ‘Prosper’ and proprietary Petroleum Technology Company software. It facilitates the consideration of the entire chemical injection system from topsides to down hole and includes a wider range of life-cycle operating conditions and data uncertainties.